Tutorials & Support

Set up Automated Messages with Acusimple

If you use Acusimple for online scheduling, use this guide to set up an automated email follow-up requesting a review with PatientReviews+

Log into your Acusimple dashboard and go to Templates > Scheduled Notifications and choose New Notification

Craft your email and sending options:

Subject: The email’s subject line

Email Notification: Set the timing at which the email sends (i.e. “1 day after every scheduled Event”)

Contact Filter: Choose which contact groups will recieve the message (i.e., only patients)

Body: Write your email body and include the link to your website’s Review page

How to add your Review Link

Copy your Review Link from your website’s dashboard.

Paste this link into your Acusimple email template by using the “chain link” icon.

When you’re done, save your email template and watch the reviews roll in.

From your website dashboard:

In the Acusimple email builder: